The Maps

Where do you miss? What spot must never be forgotten?

The places submitted as memories to the Ghosts of Seattle Past have also been turned into a series of hand-drawn maps of the city featuring the venues, shops, restaurants, galleries, and gathering sites that haunt our hearts. They travel with The Anthology to festivals and galleries, where everyone can pin and commemorate our lost spaces. (Although the Ghosts anthology has been published with print versions of the hand-drawn maps inside, we will continue to update them digitally for subsequent printings.)

If you would like to see what places have been remembered so far, explore this Google Maps version below.

Not seeing a place you miss on the map? Submit a new location by right clicking on the map and filling out the form at the bottom of the page. Keep in mind, this section is just for tracking the places lost along with a brief description. Stories, memories, etc. should be submitted to The Anthology. (Note: to avoid duplicates, new places are reviewed before they post to the map, so don’t worry if your submission doesn’t show up right away).

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